PurelyPope Health Coaching

Health Coach: How to Become One & My Journey

In case you missed it, I'm a INHC, or in other words an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to pursue this passion of mine and turn it into a full time career. Let's hop right in to my journey and how I landed at IIN, as well as commonly asked questions. My Journey to Become a Health Coach Let's start from the beginning. I've always been passionate about health and wellness, as I was influenced by my mom who was always health conscious growing up. However, I didn't always...

Holistic & Happy: Sitting Down with @HolisticRX

My excitement for this blog post is honestly UNREAL! I'm so excited to introduce you all to Bianca Klotsman of @HolisticRx!  Bianca is a holistic nutritionist, health coach and wellness professional living in NYC. I've been following her religiously for quite some time and love doing so.  On her account, you'll find studio reviews and wealth of information on holistic living. She's a sweetheart, shares amazing content and you can really tell that she's totally passionate about what she's doing. In this interview, you'll learn exactly what the hype of holistic nutrition is and what it means, Bianca's workout regime (how...