Vegan Dark Chocolate Bark
Anyone else a sweets feen?! Recently, I've been indulging non-stop. Given this, I've been making it a point to have a healthy treat on hand at all times. Sometimes that may just simply be a piece of Lily's Dark Chocolate, while other times I decide to get fancy and make something like this Vegan Dark Chocolate Bark! Lily's Sweets also prides itself on being sweetened with Stevia in lieu of sugar. This is something I can get behind! The company itself has an amazing story and was actually named after a little girl, who was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. Since being...
Triple-C Cookies – Cinnamon, Collagen & Coconut Done Right!
For those of you that have been following me for a bit, or if you know me personally, you know I'm a sweets JUNKIE! No shame in that right?! I'm always brewing up ways to come up with treats each week that I can reach to when my cravings hit that include some of my favorite products. When I was browsing in my pantry, I came up with the FABULOUS idea of a Triple-C Cookie - Cinnamon, Collagen & Coconut Cookies! I'm obsessed with cinnamon, and who doesn't love collagen and coconut?! One product I've been absolutely loving lately has been...
Quick & Easy Banza Chickpea Pasta Salad
This weekend I spent my Friday night doing what you do best during #SummerTimeChi - rooftop BBQ-ing! It was my best friend Kylee’s birthday, so I wanted to put together something that I knew she would love (hint - it includes a healthy pasta swap - chickpea pasta!) Honestly, one of my absolute favorite parts about summer is grilling with the people I love, sipping on wine and diving into the delish dishes while enjoying the beautiful weather. I’m meant to be outside in the warmth ALWAYS! :) An ideal BBQ for me includes TONS of grilled veggies, chicken skewers with...
Thai Pineapple Cauliflower Fried Rice
Despite this whole cauliflower craze, I’m still NOT sick of it! To be honest, cauliflower is probably one of the best vegetables for ALL sorts of substitutions - fries, pizza, pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, etc. You name it, cauliflower can replace it - it’s a miracle worker! This dish is amazingly easy and will impress the hell out of your guests serving it this way! [gallery type="grid" columns="2" size="full" ids="1822,1821,1819,1823"] But why Cauliflower?! Not to mention the many benefits of cauliflower including that it is packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin K, aids in digestion, fights inflammation, helps your eye health and is...
Turmeric Chicken Salad Collard Wraps
Sundays are for meal prep, am I right? What better for lunches than a Turmeric Chicken Salad Collard Wrap?! It sounds UBER fancy, however these were surprisingly EASY to prepare (like most things I do food-wise, honestly.) I've been seeing these wraps for years, and always wanted to try them, but I was kind of intimidated to be honest - but you don't have to be! I can assure you, it was easy as 1,2,3 AND freaking delish. I decided to fill my wraps with a Turmeric Chicken Egg Salad concoction and it turned out absolutely delectable. Why the Turmeric?...
Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Chickpea Skillet
Alright, it’s no secret by now that I am a SUCKER for sweets. It’s my weakness, I’m well aware of it and I don’t mind it at all. Just instead of whipping up a roll of Tollhouse cookies, I choose to create healthy and delicious hacks that won’t make me feel like sh$t legit five minutes later. ;) Enter my chickpea VEGAN dessert obsession! SO there comes my recipe testing - usually what I do is search around the internet typical ingredients for (in this case) a chocolate chip cookie skillet. Then, I improvise and hope for the best. Lucky for...