Grain Free Cheesy Broccoli Hash Brown Recipe PurelyPope

Better-for-You (Broccoli) Hash Browns

If you’re anything like me, then broccoli is probably one of your go-to veggies to prepare, ALWAYS. A bad thing? Not necessarily. Boring? Most likely! Of course there are different seasonings you can prepare your broccoli with, but how about different forms? I was thinking about all the different uses of cauliflower the other day and thought, hey – broccoli probably has those same abilities considering the texture and shape! With this thought, I got experimenting!

Broccoli, But Better!

Especially if you’re a mom, I think you will be OBSESSING over this recipe. It’s a way for you to get your kids to eat their veggies, in a very fun way – like a hash brown! They’re not all boring either, they’re cheesy too! Who doesn’t love a little cheddar flavor added to the mix? 

Like most leafy green veggies, broccoli is extremely high in Vitamin K and FIBER -you all know that hits the spot for me. This recipe is not only simple, but it BAKES the broccoli rather than sautéing, which takes it up one more notch. Broccoli is also an amazing anti-inflammatory and supports detoxification in the body. 

Bringing Home the Broccoli!

Of course you all know that I recommend to buy organic whenever possible. One thing that I would suggest is to read up on the EWG’s guide of the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen. Lucky for us, broccoli is #13 on the Clean Fifteen list this year, so you can get away with buying conventional if needed. One of my favorite budget saving tactics is to buy the large bag of frozen, organic broccoli from Costco. It lasts a while and you can ensure you’re not wasting any food!

For this recipe, you do need a food processor. I’ve gotten away with this bargain one, but feel free to use whatever you’ve got on hand! I’ve even seen riced broccoli in the produce section already made if you don’t have a food processor. Anyways, I’ll let you get to it – happy hash brown-ing! 

Better for You (Broccoli) Hash Browns

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Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:


  • 4 cups broccoli (measure full), then riced
  • 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • Salt & pepper, to taste


Best Way to Broccoli !

  1. Pre-heat oven to 400.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. 
  3. Measure four heaping cups of full broccoli, then rice in a food processor.
  4.  Once broccoli is prepared, mix in your two whole eggs, cheese, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  5. Evenly distribute broccoli mixture into 8 sections and mold into rectangular patties. 
  6. Bake patties in the oven for 15 minutes. 
  7. At 15 minute mark, flip the patties. 
  8. Place back in the oven for another 10 minutes. 
  9. Let cool an enjoy! I love them as a side or dipped in Primal Kitchen ketchup like a typical hash brown!


For a dairy free alternative, sub the cheddar cheese for a dairy free shredded cheese of choice.