PurelyPope Food Freedom with Sloane Elizabeth

Ultimate Food Freedom with @SloaneElizabeth

You’re well aware that I love collaborating with and showcasing women that I admire in the wellness space, and I’m so excited for you to dive into this Food Freedom focused piece with my girl Sloane from @SloaneElizabeth!

Sloane and I are very aligned in our approaches to nutrition and food freedom, and I wanted to share some of her valuable knowledge on the blog. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Chatting Food Freedom with @SloaneElizabeth !

Alysia: Hi hi! First of all, so excited to have you here. For those who don’t know, can you please introduce yourself, what you do, etc.?

Sloane: Hi hi! My name is Sloane Elizabeth, and I live in Miami Beach (originally from LA)! I am an online holistic wellness coach, speaker, author, podcast host, yoga teacher, and ice cream lover who specializing in helping women find permanent food freedom. I empower my audience and clients to eat with love & intuition through a unique and powerful combination of nutritional science and spiritual manifestation. Aside from my work, I love baking, swimming in the ocean, finding new crystals, and reading!PurelyPope Food Freedom with Sloane Elizabeth

Alysia: Can you tell everyone a bit about your journey in food freedom? Where were you at a few years ago compared to where are you now?

Sloane: Before I truly unlocked my food freedom, I was on a track that could have led me to an eating disorder. I became really self conscious towards the end of high school and thought I needed to lose a bit of weight.

I started becoming really obsessive about food and nutrition, and I created a million random food rules for myself. My rules were mainly around dessert, white carbs, and exercise. As someone who loves chocolate (I even had a baking business in high school!!), these rules led me to “fail” at my plan week after week.

I knew I had to make a change, and so I started becoming more interested in the TRUTH of nutrition – no more fads and trends for me! After a lot of re-learning around nutrition and developing my own spiritual practice, I finally found true healing. It was really the combination of science (facts make us feel grounded and safe) and spirituality (this connection helps us feel guided and protected) that led me to where I am today. That’s why I started my business!

Alysia: When working with clients, I find I’m constantly coming back to the same few principles. What are the top three tips you work with your clients on?

Sloane: Agreed!! Ok the top 3 tips would be:

  1. Find safety and protection on a deeper level so that you’re not using food as a coping mechanism
  2. You must stop restricting in order to stop bingeing
  3. Developing your intuition on a soul-level will elevate your life in all areas.

Alysia: IMO, there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to food freedom. What do you think some of the most common ones are and can you debunk them for us?

Sloane: There are indeed so many misconceptions around food freedom! A few common ones I hear are: you’ll gain weight, you’ll lose control, you won’t be able to have aesthetic or fitness goals, you won’t be allowed to choose salads or “healthy” options. There are definitely all false!

To start, food freedom isn’t a menu or a weight – it’s a way of BEING! For some of my clients, they lose weight. Others gain. Others stay where they’re at! My work is so much deeper than what you’re eating – it’s really mostly mental! I also think we need to step away from black and white thinking.

When you’re empowered to make choices freely for your highest good, sometimes that might mean a salad or vegan paleo cookie; others times, that will mean mac and cheese or Oreos. Both work!

Food freedom is about feeling confident in making decisions as they come, moment by moment. In this way, there’s just not one perfect way (or menu) to have food freedom!

Alysia: Along with that, I know that food freedom and healing in general is not a linear path. In your opinion, what is the biggest struggle with finding food freedom and how do you help your clients with overcoming that?

Sloane: One of the biggest struggles in this healing journey is releasing control. Surrender can be scary af! That’s normal. Our brains are wired to look for danger and attach a lot of power to these potential dangers (aka anxiety).

Releasing control is a practice because you’ll gain more trust and safety when you have PROOF that surrender feels good. This is why I encourage my clients to release expectations and timeliness and lean into patience.

It’s about small and sustainable baby steps so that we can build evidence for ourselves, rewire the brain, and experience lasting results.

Alysia: Finally, I know you have your hands in many baskets!! Can you tell us a little bit about what is going on for you right now and what’s to come in the future??

Sloane: Absolutely! I feel so grateful to be my own boss and inspire women around the globe to live their best lives. I currently offer 1:1 VIP Mentorship for private clients, as well as a self paced online program called the Food Freedom Collective! I co-host Get the Glowdown Podcast, and my book – Kale & Kravings: Nourishing Dorm Room Recipes & Wellness Practices for Students – is on Amazon here.

Come say hi on Instagram @sloaneelizabeth, on the blog, or on Tik Tok! Stay tuned for a few new programs coming this winter – think body image and self love – and other exciting free resources. Thanks so much for having me! 

Wrapping Up!

AHHH, isn’t Food Freedom so liberating?! I absolutely loved Sloane’s top tips for her clients, especially the piece about releasing control, which is so important! Be sure to catch up with Sloane over on her blog & Instagram:

Hope you enjoyed loves! And a big thank you to Sloane for sharing all of this info with us! I’m going on Sloane’s podcast soon so keep a lookout for that! 


Alysia (Purely) Pope

PurelyPope Food Freedom with Sloane Elizabeth

PS: If you enjoyed this interview, check out this one with Nicole from @LashesandLemons, you’ll love it!