PurelyPope Healthy Pumpkin Butter

Easy AF Healthy Pumpkin Butter

The second I feel a chill in the air is the second I start craving anything/everything pumpkin. More specifically I was craving a healthy pumpkin butter! This pumpkin butter is super simple and can be used on toast, bread, banana bread, with some fruit, on pancakes, etc. - really anything! Healthy Pumpkin Butter Specifics This pumpkin butter doesn't have the name 'Easy AF' in it for no reason - it's super simple! No crazy ingredients needed. It's super versatile and can be used with truly anything in the Fall. Here's what you need: Pumpkin: Of course :)..I like to buy canned organic pumpkin in...

PurelyPope BareOrganics Superfoods Adaptogenic Cookies

BareOrganics Adaptogenic Cookies

You all know that I'm a huge sweets fan, and when it's an EASY sweet (and adaptogenic cookies)- I'm all in! These no-bake adaptogenic cookies will be the perfect mid day pick me up, dessert or snack! Oh and the best part? These cookies are adaptogenic! Sooo what does that mean? Let's get into it below! Adaptogenic Cookies Deets! Sooo first let's dive into the ingredients for these cookies and then cover WTF adaptogenic cookies are, shall we?! Nuttzo 7 Seed Butter: I'm a huge fan of this because it adds in lots of fiber and is only 2g net carbs, 4g...

PurelyPope No Bake Cookies

No Bake Cookies: 5 Ingredient Chocolate Chip

If you've caught on by now, you know that I LOVE my sweets. Make them gluten/grain free, vegan sugar free, no bake cookies and I'm REALLY a happy camper. These are also the easiest & you don't even have to use your oven. How amazing is that? Read on to learn about the deets! No Bake Cookie Deets! It's so amazing what you can do with so many natural ingredients that come from the one and only - mother nature! Let's walk through the five ingredients we used in these cookies and why I love each on of them! Nuttzo 7...

PurelyPope Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Crunchy Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Is there anything better than a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie? For me, it truly takes it out of the park when they're paleo, sugar free, grain free and dairy free - which these are! My sweet tooth is no joke, and these totally fulfill that. Don't get me wrong, I love a chewy chocolate chip cookie, but there's something special about an extra crunchy one too, don't ya think?! Let's get right into it! Paleo Sweetness Done Right Something that is always taken into consideration in my baking is what type of sweetener I'm going to use. In the wellness space,...

PurelyPope No Bake Carrot Cake Bliss Balls Recipe

Carrot Cake Bliss Balls

It's April which obviously means that Easter (or Passover) is right around the corner! For me, Easter means Carrot Cake - literally one of my favorite items to eat on earth! Carrots in general are one of my favorite foods if I'm being honest. I've been on a real carrot kick lately and I'm not mad about it. Actually, I'm pretty damn excited about it because you guys will LOVE these Carrot Cake Bliss Balls!  I love Carrots & I Carrot Lie! On a level of one to cheesy how corny was that title?! LOL. I love a good pun. But...

PurelyPope Healthy Pumpkin Donuts

Healthy Pumpkin Donuts

Sweets play a huge role in my life, and I typically like to start my day off on a sweet note as well. This fall, I've been craving warm recipes constantly vs. my typical smoothie bowl or greek yogurt bowl. More specifically - PUMPKIN DONUTS! Something about the smell of pumpkin spice  donuts through the house makes for an amazing start to the day. Call me basic with all of these pumpkin/fall themed recipes, but I just can't help it! Specifically, I remember always LOVING going pumpkin picking and getting the pumpkin spice donuts as a special treat. One thing I...

PurelyPope Gluten, Dairy, Refined Sugar Free Almond Butter Cookies-4110

Gluten, Dairy & Refined Sugar Free Almond Butter Cookies!

You know that game that everyone plays, "if you had to choose one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" If I'm being totally honest, mine would be almond butter. Without. A. Doubt! I literally could eat it by the spoonful, always - I'm obsessed - it's a problem (that I'm NOT willing to fix, ha!) Anyways, when Nick saw Rachael DeVaux whip up a classic, soft & chewy peanut butter cookie, he wanted me to make it for him INSTANTLY! I'm always one for improvisation with baking (which I know you're not supposed to, whoops!) This...

Vegan Chocolate Bark Recipe PurelyPope

Vegan Dark Chocolate Bark

Anyone else a sweets feen?! Recently, I've been indulging non-stop. Given this, I've been making it a point to have a healthy treat on hand at all times. Sometimes that may just simply be a piece of Lily's Dark Chocolate, while other times I decide to get fancy and make something like this Vegan Dark Chocolate Bark! Lily's Sweets also prides itself on being sweetened with Stevia in lieu of sugar. This is something I can get behind! The company itself has an amazing story and was actually named after a little girl, who was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. Since being...

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Chickpea Skillet

Alright, it’s no secret by now that I am a SUCKER for sweets. It’s my weakness, I’m well aware of it and I don’t mind it at all. Just instead of whipping up a roll of Tollhouse cookies, I choose to create healthy and delicious hacks that won’t make me feel like sh$t legit five minutes later. ;) Enter my chickpea VEGAN dessert obsession! SO there comes my recipe testing - usually what I do is search around the internet typical ingredients for (in this case) a chocolate chip cookie skillet. Then, I improvise and hope for the best. Lucky for...